Exit & Emergency Lighting Repair in West Michigan

Exit and emergency lighting are essential for fire safety in your business, facility, school, or apartment complex.

Lighting may not contribute to dousing the blaze, but it helps maintain order and enable safe movement during an evacuation by pointing people in the right direction. They also provide backup illumination to prevent panic if the overhead lights go out.

At Fire Pros, we provide comprehensive exit and emergency lighting services. Our goal is to always have your exit signs and emergency lights operational to help everyone exit the building during a fire.

If your exit and emergency lighting fail, turn to Fire Pros for the repairs you need.

Can our fire safety specialists help your business?

Signs You Need Exit & Emergency Lighting Repair

Because your emergency backup lights don’t get used often, it can be difficult to tell when they need a repair. Here are some signs to look for that your hardware needs attention:

  • Visible damage: Don’t overlook cracked or peeling casings, loose mounting screws, or signs of vandalism.
  • Burned-out bulbs: Dim, flickering, or completely burned-out exit signs and emergency lights should be replaced immediately.
  • Bad wiring or defective batteries: Emergency lights only come on when the power goes out, so you may not know if the wiring is bad or the battery is defective unless you inspect the system regularly.
  • Problems uncovered during emergency lighting inspections: Your technician will alert you of any code violations discovered during an inspection so you can take the necessary steps to correct them.

As a business owner, you’re responsible for scheduling regular inspections, testing, and maintenance for your exit and emergency lighting. Fire Pros carefully adheres to federal regulations and local building requirements to keep your business code compliant.

The Benefits of Professional Exit & Emergency Lighting Repair

If your exit and emergency lighting malfunctions, it’s time to call the professionals. Working with qualified technicians provides many benefits that contribute to your lighting functioning properly, including:

  • Enhanced reliability
  • Reduced downtime
  • Technicians with years of expertise and industry knowledge
  • Ensured safety compliance
  • Optimized performance
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Peace of mind of knowing your lighting will operate in an emergency

Why Choose Fire Pros?

As a leading fire protection company based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Fire Pros team is well-qualified to inspect and repair your exit and emergency lighting systems.

We can answer any questions you have to help determine if you could benefit from our other fire protection services. Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we promise our inspection and repair work will help keep your building fire-safe.

Contact us online to request a quote for exit and emergency lighting repair throughout West Michigan.

Exit & Emergency Lighting Repair FAQs

Physical damage, obsolete equipment, and testing failures are common issues that might require exit sign repair and emergency lighting maintenance. Environmental factors or accidental impacts can damage emergency lights.

Older emergency lighting systems can become obsolete and no longer comply with current safety standards. If your system fails during a test, this could indicate a need for repair or replacement.

This can be challenging but not impossible. Start by having our team assess the condition of your system. You can choose the correct approach once you know if the entire system needs replacing or just specific components.

Some considerations to guide you in the right direction include:

  • Parts availability: Contact the original manufacturer to check if replacement parts are available. You may need to look at different suppliers or aftermarket sources to obtain discontinued parts.
  • Consult with experts: Seek advice from highly qualified technicians or electricians.
  • Consider replacement: Situations sometimes arise when you need to replace the emergency lighting system, which can ensure reliability and compliance with current standards.

Routine inspections and maintenance are critical for ensuring safety during emergencies. Each month, you should check that all exit signs and emergency lights are illuminated and don’t show any physical damage. You should also test their functionality by pressing the test button to verify the light will work on battery power.

Our technicians will thoroughly examine each emergency and exit light during an annual inspection. Stay current on maintenance and repairs, documentation, and compliance with regulations with help from Fire Pros.