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What Maintenance Does Your Fire Extinguisher Need?

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In order to keep your commercial building up to code, you’ll need to schedule fire extinguisher maintenance visits from a reputable fire extinguisher inspection company. Fire extinguishers need monthly maintenance so you can count on them to work when you need them most.

In this blog post, we will explain what kind of maintenance is required for fire extinguishers so you can keep your building safe and up to code. For more information on what fire protection device maintenance is required for your building, we recommend reaching out to a fire protection company near you.

Why is fire extinguisher maintenance important?

You only have moments before a small fire spreads and consumes a building. When a fire breaks out, the last thing you need is a clogged fire extinguisher or one that is partially empty. Fire extinguisher maintenance can mean the difference between isolated and extensive fire damage to your commercial building.

Why do fire extinguishers need recharging?

The pressure inside a fire extinguisher affects how well it can suppress fires. For this reason, you’ll need to make sure your fire extinguisher is always fully charged and ready to go.

You will need to recharge your fire extinguisher if one of the following is true.

  • Fire extinguisher was used recently to put out fire
  • Fire extinguisher accidently discharged
  • Fire extinguisher was recently tested
  • Fire extinguisher gauge reveals low pressure

Since fire extinguishers are used in the crucial moments a fire breaks out, it’s important they receive regular maintenance. A fire protection contractor will know how to recharge fire extinguishers so they’ll be ready in an emergency.

What happens during a monthly fire extinguisher inspection?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requires all fire extinguishers be inspected monthly. The first thing a fire safety inspector checks is if fire extinguishers are conveniently located and easily accessible. The inspector will also check that the fire extinguisher device is completely charged and that you are using the right type of fire extinguisher for your building’s specific fire hazards.

A fire extinguisher inspection also includes checking the manufacture date of the device and records of previous maintenance visits. The fire extinguisher will be checked for physical damage and any necessary fire extinguisher repairs will be done to ensure it’s in working order. At the end of the inspection, a new tag with the date of inspection will be put on the extinguisher.

While there may be other steps to the inspection, this describes most of what fire protection contractors check for during a maintenance visit. If you have multiple fire extinguishers in your commercial building, we recommend signing up for a fire extinguisher maintenance plan, which is more cost effective.

The fire extinguisher inspectors at Fire Pros are dedicated to helping customers keep commercial buildings safe and up to fire code. If you are interested in learning more about what maintenance is required by law for your fire extinguisher, give our fire protection contractors a call at 800-968-2871.

Category: Fire Extinguishers